Involuntary muscle

Muscles that make up the blood vessels and other organs such as the stomach.

A muscle supplied by the autonomic nervous system, and therefore not under voluntary control, e.g. the muscle which actiyates a vital organ such as the heart.

Muscle that is not under conscious control, such as the muscle of the gut, stomach, blood vessels, and heart.

Muscle that does not operate under a person’s conscious control. Involuntary muscle also called smooth muscle, because the cells do not contain the striations that occur in voluntary muscle is found in blood vessels, the heart, the stomach, and the intestines.

A muscle not under conscious control; mainly smooth and cardiac muscle.

Another term for smooth muscle is the type of muscle found lining the walls of internal organs like blood vessels, airways, and the digestive system.

Muscles that operate without conscious intention and don’t require an individual’s deliberate effort. These include muscles in the heart, intestines, and bladder.




