Intelligence quotient (IQ)

A numerical rating determined through psychological testing that indicates the approximate relationship of a person’s mental age (MA) to chronological age (CA). Expressed mathematically as IQ=[MA/CA]×100.

A ratio measure to indicate whether a person’s mental age (MA) is ahead of or behind the chronological age (CA) The formula for determining is as follows: IQ — MA x CA x 100. deviation IQ.

The ratio of the mental age, as given by an intelligence test, to the chronological age of the person.

The final score on an intelligence test, relating a child’s score on the test, notably the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test, with norms determined for other children of the same age, by means of a formula; a somewhat outdated concept.

Numerical expression of a person’s intellectual level measured against the statistical average for his/her age or as mental age (measured by standardized tests) as ratio of chronological age. Virtually all intelligence tests are designed so that the average IQ in the population is about 100.

An index of intellectual development. In childhood and adult life it represents intellectual ability relative to the rest of the population; in children it can also represent rate of development (mental age as a percentage of chronological age). Most intelligence tests are constructed so that the resulting intelligence quotients in the general population have a ‘mean of about l(X) and a standard deviation of about 15.

This is the ratio between the mental age and chronological age multiplied by 100. Thus, if a boy of 10 years of age is found to have a mental age of 12 years, his IQ will be 120. On the other hand, if he is found to have a mental age of 8 years, his IQ will be 80.

An index of intelligence determined through a subject’s answers to standardized test questions. It is the ratio of the individual’s mental age, as determined by scoring on the test, to his or her age in years, multiplied by 100. Contemporary IQ tests, such as the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children or the Stanford-Binet test, measure both verbal ability, and performance (nonverbal) ability. The IQ is determined for each of these categories, and as an overall score.

The term “IQ” stands for intelligence quotient, which is a measure of intelligence relative to age.




