
Is the process of tissue death (necrosis) caused by blockage of the tissue’s blood supply.

A pathological process consisting of a sudden insufficient blood supply to an area, which results in necrosis of that area. It is usually caused by a thrombus, an embolus, or a vascular torsion.

Death of an area of tissue because its blood supply has been stopped.

A condition in which tissue is killed by the cutting off of the blood supply.

Formation of dead tissue as a result of diminished or stopped blood flow to the tissue area.

An area of tissue that dies because of blockage of the artery supplying it with blood. The usual cause of an infarction is a blood clot, which can form at the site of the blockage (a thrombus) or develop elsewhere in the body, then travel through the bloodstream until it lodges in a blood vessel (an embolus). Infarction in the heart (technically, myocardial infarction) is known as a heart attack.

The death of part or the whole of an organ that occurs when the artery carrying its blood supply is obstructed by a blood clot (thrombus) or an embolus. For example, myocardial infarction, affecting the muscle of the heart, follows coronary thrombosis. A small localized area of dead tissue produced as a result of an inadequate blood supply is known as an infarct.

The changes in an organ when an artery is suddenly blocked, leading to the formation of a dense, wedge-shaped mass of dead tissue in the part of the organ supplied by the artery. It occurs as the result of embolism or of thrombosis.

Death of tissue that results from deprivation of its blood supply.

The development of an area of decay in a tissue, vessel, organ, or part resulting from an interruption of the blood supply to the area or, less often, by the blockage of a vein that carries blood away from the area.

This refers to the death of a tissue area due to ischaemia, a lack of blood supply. A prevalent example is myocardial infarction, often known as a heart attack. Another instance is pulmonary infarction, which is lung damage resulting from a pulmonary embolism – a blood clot that has shifted into a lung vessel, blocking blood flow.




