
Hyperuricemia refers to an excessively high concentration of uric acid in the blood. This condition may contribute to the development of gout, due to uric acid crystals accumulating in the joints. Additionally, it can lead to kidney stones and the formation of crystal deposits in other tissues within the body.

Hyperuricemia can be triggered by various factors. It could stem from a congenital metabolic disorder, a significant cell destruction process like leukemia, or certain medications that hinder the kidney’s ability to excrete uric acid, such as diuretics. Consuming a diet rich in purine, a nitrogen-based substance, can also lead to hyperuricemia.

Medications like allopurinol or sulfinpyrazone may need to be taken by the patient for their lifetime. Furthermore, it is advised to stay away from foods high in purine, including liver, poultry, and dried legumes.




