
A plant whose flowers contain resins and essential oils that contribute to the characteristic bitter flavor and pleasant aroma of beer. Hops also known as Humulus lupulus.

A fibrous vine of the mulberry family that provides the main flavoring agent in beer.

The seed cones of the hop plant, used in the production of beer. It can also be used medicinally to treat sleeplessness or anxiety. Available at brewing stores or at some health food stores.

Well known ingredient in beer. Important medicinally for its calming effect. A pillow stuffed with hops flowers is said to overcome insomnia.

The dried flowers of the Humulus lupulus vine that gives a bitter taste to beer.

Hops are the flowers of the hop plant, a climbing vine, which are primarily used to give beer a bitter and tangy flavor. They also add aroma and act as a natural preservative. In addition to their use in brewing, the tender shoots of the hop plant are sometimes eaten as a vegetable in France and Belgium.




