Health status indicator

A measurement of some attribute of individual or community health which is considered to reflect health status. Each attribute is given a numerical value, and a score (a health status index) is calculated for the individual or community from the aggregate of these values. To the extent possible, the indicators are objective, that is, they are facts for which various observers or investigators would each find the same value. In the case of a community, such statistics as mortality and morbidity rates are sometimes used. For health status of individuals (and thus of the group), data may be obtained by sampling (obtaining data on only a properly-selected portion of the population). Such facts may be obtained by examination of individuals or by questionnaires inquiring as to physical function, quality of life, activities of daily living (ADL), emotional well-being, episodes of medical care, and the like. Much study has been and is being given to developing indicators and indices of health status. No standard measures have appeared. Published data on health status should be “taken with a grain of salt” unless the reader can satisfy herself as to the methodological detail of obtaining data on the indicators and calculating the indices.




