Gianotti-Crosti syndrome

This is a benign and typical reaction of the skin to specific viral infections like hepatitis B, Epstein-Barr virus, and coxsackievirus. The condition manifests as a papular (lumpy) rash that appears on the face, buttocks, and limbs, lasting for several weeks. Primarily, this condition affects children aged between six months and twelve years.

In some cases, there might not be any apparent symptoms. However, if present, the symptoms can be mild, such as a slight increase in body temperature and persistent swelling of the lymph nodes in the armpits and groin for several months. Additionally, the liver may experience enlargement.

To examine liver function and identify potential causative viruses, blood tests and liver function tests are conducted. Although there is no specific treatment available, a mild topical corticosteroid cream might be prescribed to alleviate itching. Typically, the rash tends to fade within a period of two to eight weeks.




