The biological science that deals with the phenomena and mechanisms of heredity.
In biology, pertaining to genes or to inherited characteristics. Also, in psychiatry, pertaining to the historical development of one’s psychological attributes or disorders.
The branch of biology concerned with heredity, it was literally invented by Gregor Mendel in the 19th century. It is a study of the manner in which genes operate and are transmitted from parents to offspring. It involves the study of the mechanism of gene action—the manner in which the genetic material (DNA) affects physiological reactions within the cell.
Genetics is the science of genes, heredity, and the variation of organisms. Modern genetics is based on the understanding of genes at the molecular, or DNA, level.
The study of genes, and of the way characteristics and diseases are inherited through the genes.
Science that studies inherited characteristics; study of genes, then-composition and function.
The branch of biology that is concerned with genes and heredity. Genetics involves the study of the origin of an individual’s characteristics and the manner in which they are passed along to offspring. Medical genetics is the study of the relationship between heredity and disease.
The science of inheritance. It attempts to explain the differences and similarities between related organisms and the ways in which characters are passed from parents to their offspring. Human and medical genetics are concerned with the study of inherited diseases.
Pertaining to reproduction, offspring, and inheritance of (hereditary) characteristics. The field of study encompassing genetic issues is called “genetics”, which can be further divided into biochemical, clinical, and molecular genetics.
The science which deals with the origin of the characteristics of an individual or the study of heredity.
The term pertains to genes, the fundamental components of biological inheritance, which reside on chromosomes and carry chemical instructions governing the growth and operation of an organism.
Genetics is the field of study that explores how traits are passed down from one generation of organisms to the next. It delves into understanding the chemical foundation responsible for inheriting specific characteristics and seeks to investigate the reasons behind the similarities and variations observed among individuals of the same species or between different species.
Human genetics comprises several branches, each with its own focus of study. Population genetics explores the varying frequencies of different genes in diverse human races. Molecular genetics is dedicated to understanding the structure, function, and replication of DNA. On the other hand, clinical genetics is concerned with investigating and preventing genetic disorders.
The study of heredity, examining the mechanisms through which both the general system and specific bodily traits are passed down through generations.