
A filamentous plant that lacks chlorophyll.

An organism such as yeast or mould, some of which cause disease.

Fungi, one of a group of simple plantlike organisms, including mushrooms and yeasts, some of which cause disease (fungal infection).

A microbe vegetable organism that subsists on molds and other living matter. Some fungi can cause disease.

A simple plant that lacks the green pigment chlorophyll. Fungi include the yeasts, rusts, molds, and mushrooms. They live either as saprophytes or as parasites of plants and animals; some species infect and cause disease in man. The single celled microscopic yeasts are a good source of vitamin B and many antibiotics are obtained from the molds.

A simple plant that is parasitic on other plants and animals. Included in this group are mildews, moulds, mushrooms, toadstools and yeasts. Unlike other plants, they do not contain the green pigment chlorophyll. Most of the world’s 100,000 different species of fungus are harmless, or even beneficial, to humans. Yeasts are used in the preparation of food and drinks, and antibiotics are obtained from some fungi. A few, however, can cause fatal disease and illness in humans.

An organism belonging to the kingdom Fungi; a yeast, mold, or mushroom.

A plant-like organism that does not make the green pigment chlorophyll. Mushrooms, yeasts and molds are examples. The plural is fungi.

A small, simple type of organism related to molds.

A fungus, commonly known as a mushroom or toadstool, is a type of plant that can be consumed by humans. However, it is crucial to distinguish between the different types of fungi, as some of them are poisonous. It is advisable to buy mushrooms from a reliable source or to be able to differentiate between the safe and unsafe ones when foraging. Numerous well-illustrated books have been published on the subject to help identify the main edible fungi, but if there is any uncertainty about a particular type, it should be avoided altogether. When purchasing or foraging for mushrooms, ensure they appear fresh and not dried up or slimy.

An individualized or thread-like microorganism responsible for instigating parasitic infections.

A member of a lower category of plants distinguished by the absence of flowers, leaves, and chlorophyll, which encompasses molds, some of which can be harmful pathogens.




