The act of obtaining sexual gratification from rubbing against or pressing against the desired person, often while in a crowded place. A frotteur is a person who derives sexual pleasure from rubbing against a stranger.
Sexual gratification obtained by rubbing against a person of the opposite sex, as in a crowded tram.
A mental illness characterized by a person touching a nonconsenting person sexually and rubbing against his or her genitals. In most cases, this behavior occurs in crowded places such as busy sidewalks, movie theaters, or packed subway trains, where the person is more likely to escape arrest. Typically, the person rubs his or her genitals against the thighs or buttocks of the victim while fantasizing an exclusive, loving relationship with the nonconsenting person. The person then tries to escape the victim’s detection after the episode occurs. This disorder is most likely found in men between the ages of 15 and 25 and declines as the person ages. Frottage is also known as frotteurism.
A massage technique using rubbing, especially for sexual gratification.
This sexual deviation involves an individual rubbing their body against another person to attain sexual arousal. Usually, such actions occur in crowded places, like a packed train, where a man rubs his (clothed) genitals against a woman’s buttocks or thigh.