
A way of indicating a chemical compound using letters and numbers, e.g. H2SO4.

Instructions on how to prepare a drug.

US powdered milk for babies.

A fluid preparation designed to simulate breastmilk in its balance and amount of nutrients (though it cannot give the natural immunization provided by mother to child).

Adults appointed by the court to care for a minor in their home temporarily, until the child can return home or reaches the legal age of adulthood; such adults often receive payments to help in supporting the child. In cases of termination of parental rights, the child may later become available for adoption; in such cases, foster parents are often able to adopt the child if they wish. Long-term care—residential care in a homelike setting—may also be provided for minors and some adults judged to be incompetent, such as those who have severe handicaps, mental disorders, or mental retardation; facilities for such care are generally called group homes. Some communities sponsor foster grandparents programs, in which retired older people (paid or as volunteers) develop a supplementary relationship with a child who has special needs, as because of disabilities or family problems at home.

Simplified statement, using, as a rule, symbols and numerals that show the relationship among certain factors; for example, Fahrenheit temperature (F) can be converted to Celsius (C) by this formula: C =)((F – 32), and water can be expressed as H2O, signifying its makeup of two hydrogen (H) atoms and one oxygen (O) atom.

A rule prescribing ingredients and proportions for the preparation of a compound.

A written directive encompassing detailed guidance on the process of creating a therapeutic substance by blending multiple ingredients, typically ordered by a qualified medical practitioner.





