
The tactile hallucination or illusion that insects are crawling on the body or under the skin.

Hallucination associated with stimulant-induced psychosis in which a person perceives imaginary ants, insects, or snakes crawling under the skin.

An itching feeling where the skin feels as if it were covered with insects.

Sensation that worms or insects are crawling on the skin; it is sometimes a symptom of drug intoxication.

Tactile hallucination or sensation that small insects are crawling under the skin; frequently associated with alcohol detoxification.

A prickling sensation said to resemble the feeling of ants crawling over the skin. It is a form of paresthesia and it is sometimes a symptom of drug intoxication.

The profoundly disturbing sensation that insects are crawling on one’s skin. This is one of the more troublesome side effects of alcohol and cocaine withdrawal.

The experience of feeling like ants are crawling on your skin can be quite discomforting. This sensation can often be a side effect of misuse of certain substances, like alcohol or morphine. The instinctive response to scratch the skin to alleviate this feeling might sometimes lead to a rash. Consequently, this can potentially lead to a misdiagnosis of a skin condition.





