Florentine (la)

A method of preparation of food used mainly for fish and eggs that are set in a bed of spinach and stewed in butter and covered with mornay sauce and sprinkled with cheese prior to serving.

An adjective that characterizes diverse dishes incorporating or ornamented with spinach, typically minced finely or blended into a puree. Moreover, it can refer to other dishes like Florentine meringue, either genuinely or purportedly representative of Florence, Italy.

The cookie you are referring to is called a “lace cookie”. Lace cookies are thin and crispy cookies that are made with cream and typically contain chopped nuts and candied orange peel. After baking, the cookies are dipped in chocolate, which adds a rich and decadent flavor. The delicate texture and intricate pattern of the cookie give it its distinctive name. Lace cookies are often served as a dessert or as part of a holiday cookie tray. They can be made with various types of nuts and other additions, such as coconut or dried fruit, to add variety to the recipe.




