Fetal movement

Motion of the fetus itself within the uterus. The motion is usually first detected by a woman pregnant for the first time at about the 16th week of pregnancy, some¬ what earlier in those who have had previous pregnancies.

Muscular movements performed by the fetus in utero.

During the developmental stages of pregnancy, a growing fetus exhibits movements within the uterus, usually noticeable to the mother between the 16th and 20th weeks of gestation. At this point, the fetal movements might feel like gentle “flutters” to the mother. As the pregnancy progresses, the fetus becomes more vigorous in its movements and may even deliver noticeable kicks while navigating inside the amniotic sac. It’s worth mentioning that some fetuses are naturally more active than others. In the later stages of pregnancy, to ensure the well-being of the fetus, healthcare providers may keep track of the number of movements using a “kick chart.” This monitoring process helps in assessing the fetal health and ensuring that the baby is active and thriving in the womb.




