Rubber sheath inserted into the vagina before intercourse, covering the walls of the vagina and the cervix.
An intravaginal device, similar to the male condom, that is designed to prevent unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. It consists of a soft loose-fitting polyurethane sheath closed at one end. A flexible polyurethane ring is inside the closed end and another is at the open end. The inner ring is used for insertion, covering the cervix the way a contraceptive diaphragm does and also anchoring and positioning the condom well inside the vagina. During use the external ring remains outside the vagina and covers the area around the vaginal opening. This prevents contact between the labia and the base of the penis. The female condom is prelubricated, and additional lubrication is provided in the package. It is designed for one-time use. As a contraceptive, it is as effective as other barrier methods.
Female condoms are a type of barrier contraception that comes in the form of a sheath inserted into the woman’s vagina before engaging in sexual intercourse. In addition to providing contraception, female condoms also offer a certain level of protection against sexually transmitted infections.