
To deprive of blood; bloodless.

To drain blood from the body.

To deprive the body of blood; for example, as a result of an accident causing severe bleeding or, very rarely, through uncontrollable bleeding during a surgical operation.

The removal of blood from the body. This may occur as the result of a serious accident in which the victim bleeds extensively. Rarely, it may happen that bleeding becomes uncontrollable during an operation.

To lose blood to the point at which life can no longer be sustained.

Exsanguination refers to the process of draining, eliminating, or depriving the body of its circulating blood. This typically occurs due to severe internal or external hemorrhaging. It can also be intentionally carried out during surgical operations to establish a blood-free zone for the procedure.

To achieve a bloodless surgical area, typically by applying elastic bandages to a limb, starting from the lower part and working upward.




