
Pleasure in attracting attention to oneself. One of the paraphilias, characterized by marked distress over, or acting on, urges to expose one’s genitals to an unsuspecting stranger.

Exposure of one’s genitals to a person of the opposite sex in socially unacceptable situations. More common in males than in females.

A sexual variance in which the person suffers from a compulsion to expose genitals publicly.

Showing of the body to arouse sexual interest.

A desire to show the genitals to a person of the opposite sex.

Exhibitionism is defined as the deliberate exposure of one’s genitals in order to elicit shock and emotional distress from an unsuspecting person for the purpose of sexual gratification. The perpetrator is usually male, and the victim is usually a woman or a child. It is considered a paraphilia a condition in which an individual is dependent on an unusual and personally or socially unacceptable stimulus for sexual arousal and has been termed peiodeiktophilia when the penis is exposed. Although the condition is considered common, there are no exact figures with regard to incidence or prevalence.

Psychosexual disorder marked by exposure of the genitals to another person, usually of the opposite sex, for self-gratification in a socially unacceptable situation.

A mental illness characterized by highly arousing urges, fantasies, or actions involving the exposure of one’s genitals to a stranger. Exhibitionism impairs the person’s ability to function in a family, society, or work setting and usually causes significant distress. The disorder usually begins before age 18, almost always affects males, and appears to become less severe after age 40. It is difficult to treat unless the person is faced with arrest, divorce, or other negative consequences or unless the person is highly motivated to change.

Exposure of the genitals to another person, as a sexually deviant act. The word is often broadened to mean public flaunting of any quality of the individual.

Public flaunting of a person’s characteristics. Also a term describing the public exposure of genitals to another person, regarded as a form of sexual deviation, colloquially called ‘flashing’.

A tendency to attract attention to oneself by any means.

The act of intentionally displaying one’s genitals as a deviant sexual behavior is a practice that is almost exclusively confined to men. Psychotherapy or behavior therapy can be effective in treating individuals who engage in this behavior persistently.

A sexual deviation in which pleasure is derived from exposing one’s genital organs to a person of the opposite sex.




