
A condition where the thyroid is functioning normally.

Characterized by normal thyroid gland function. Euthyroid refers to the normal performance of the thyroid gland as compared with hypothyroid (under-functioning of the thyroid gland) or hyperthyroid (over-functioning of the thyroid gland).

Having a normally functioning thyroid gland. Compare hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism.

The descriptive term for a person with a normally functioning thyroid gland, or someone who has had successful treatment for an underactive (hypothyroid) or overactive (hyperthyroid) gland.

Having a normally functioning thyroid gland.

“Euthyroid” is a term referring to an individual with a normally functioning thyroid gland. Particularly, this term is often used to describe someone who has received successful treatment for either hypothyroidism, which is underactivity of the thyroid, or hyperthyroidism, which is overactivity of the thyroid.




