
A street name for 3,4,-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), a synthetic amphetamine, often used and abused in nightclubs And at all-night dance parties known as “raves” and at gay circuit Parties. Ecstasy appears to damage brain serotonin neurons, but It is still used, especially by teenagers, because it induces a profound Feeling of attachment and connection. There have been numerous Reports of a single dose of MDMA precipitating severe psychiatric illness. Another street name is Adam.

Feeling of extreme happiness.

A powerful stimulant and hallucinatory illegal drug (informal).

Emotional state marked by exalted delight, exhilaration, extreme joy.

Dilatation or distension of a part or organ (e.g., alveolar ectasia, abnormal expansion of the air sacs in the lungs); also ectasis (compare atelectasis).

A sense of extreme well-being and bliss. The word applies particularly to trance states dominated by religious thinking. While not necessarily pathological, it can be caused by epilepsy (especially of the temporal lobe) or by schizophrenia.

Ecstasy refers to a morbid mental condition, associated with an extreme sense of well-being, a feeling of rapture and a temporary loss of self-control. It often presents as a form of religious obsession, with a feeling of direct communication with God, saintly voices and images being perceived. In milder cases the patient may preach as though with a divine mission to help others. Ecstasy may occur in psychosis, schizophrenia, certain forms of epilepsy, and abnormal personalities.

A n exhilarated, trancelike condition or state of exalted delight.

A synthetic illicit substance, connected to the amphetamine family, is Ecstasy. It induces a mildly hallucinogenic experience and elicits sensations of euphoria, leading users to feel more alert and sociable. Generally, in the short run, the drug doesn’t produce significant adverse effects on most individuals, but repeated usage poses a potential risk of liver damage. The primary side effect is hyperthermia, characterized by an extremely high body temperature. Another consequence of taking the drug is intense thirst, which may drive users to consume excessive amounts of water. However, this can lead to fatal harm to the body, including brain swelling.




