
Pain in the ear; it may be caused by ear disease or by infection or disease of the nose, mouth region, throat, and other nearby areas; also called otalgia.

Pain in one or both ears, medically termed otalgia, which may be sharp and stabbing or dull and throbbing. When earaches are severe and persistent, an infection may be the cause. A physician should be consulted about a severe earache.

Ear pain, whether stemming from issues within the ear or related structures nearby, is a highly prevalent symptom, particularly during infancy and childhood.

Earache commonly arises from acute otitis media, an infection that affects the middle ear. This condition is most prevalent among young children and often leads to intense, piercing pain. Additional symptoms may include hearing loss and a rise in body temperature.

Otitis externa, which is inflammation of the ear canal, is another frequent source of earache. This condition is often triggered by infections. The infection can impact the entire canal or be localized, occasionally presenting as a boil or abscess. Apart from earache, individuals may experience irritation in the ear canal and a discharge of pus.

Intermittent earache can also manifest in individuals experiencing dental issues, tonsillitis, throat cancer, jaw or neck muscle pain, and other disorders that affect regions adjacent to the ear. This occurs because the ear and its nearby areas share nerve supply, resulting in the sensation of pain being “referred” to the ear.

In order to identify the root cause of the earache, a thorough inspection of the ear is conducted, along with a careful examination of the mouth, throat, and teeth.

To alleviate the pain, analgesic drugs (painkillers) may be recommended. The specific treatment for the earache will vary depending on its underlying cause. If an infection is present, antibiotics might be prescribed. In cases where pus accumulates in the outer ear, it can be gently removed through suction. For instances of pus buildup in the middle ear, a procedure called myringotomy may be performed, which involves creating a small hole in the eardrum to drain the fluid.




