Dressler syndrome

A group of symptoms that often follow a heart attack or open-heart surgery. People who have had a heart attack or open-heart surgery frequently experience sharp, severe chest pain that may vary with breathing or changes in position. The symptoms occur because of pericarditis (inflammation of the membrane surrounding the heart), an increased white blood cell count, fever, pleurisy (inflammation of the membrane surrounding the lungs), and pneumonia. Dressier syndrome is also known as post-myocardial infarction syndrome. Symptoms usually improve with anti-inflammatory drugs.

Postmyocardial infarction syndrome, characterized by pleuritic chest pain, pericarditis, fever, and leukocytosis.

Dressler’s syndrome, which is not a common condition, is another name for postinfarction syndrome. It’s a potential aftereffect of a heart attack or cardiac surgery. The defining symptoms of Dressler’s syndrome include fever, chest discomfort, inflammation of the heart’s lining (known as pericarditis), and inflammation of the lung’s membrane (known as pleurisy). The primary treatment involves aspirin, but in more severe instances, corticosteroid medications may be required.




