Dog bites

Every year in the UK, 250,000 people attend A&E after being bitten by a dog. Most attacks are unprovoked but they are more likely to occur when the dog is disturbed whilst feeding or caring for young, or if it is jealous. Bites should be well washed with water and, if necessary, the person taken to a doctor for more through wound cleansing and antibiotics. Protection against tetanus should be given unless the person knows they have been fully immunized. Anyone with an immune system disorder who is bitten should seek medical attention. Those bitten in rabies-endemic countries must take particular action

A lacerated or punctured wound made by the teeth of a dog. The dog should be observed for 10 days to determine the presence of rabies.

A lacerated or punctured wound made by the teeth of a dog. The dog should be observed for 10 days to determine the presence of rabies.




