
One skilled or specialized in a healing art.

Usually used synonymously with physician, but actually means any person with a doctoral degree.

A person who has trained in medicine and is qualified to examine people when they are ill to find out what is wrong with them and to prescribe a course of treatment.

A title given to a qualified person who is registered with the General Medical Council.

The tide given to a recipient of a higher university degree than a Master’s degree. The degree Medicinae Doctor (MD) is awarded by some British universities as a research degree. In the US the degree is awarded on qualification. In the US qualified professors, dentists, and pharmacists may use the title Doctor.

Strictly speaking, this is the academic title granted to someone who has a university degree higher than a master’s degree. Some UK universities grant a medical doctorate (MD) for a research thesis of approved standard. In Britain, ‘doctor’ is also the title given to a qualified medical practitioner registered with the General Medical Council, usually after he or she has obtained a bachelor’s degree or a diploma in medicine and surgery.

A certified healthcare professional authorized to practice medicine by a relevant medical board in their respective country, such as the General Medical Council in the UK.




