
An anti-inflammatory drug used to treat dermatitis and psoriasis.

A drug applied to the skin as an ointment or paste to treat ringworm infections, psoriasis, and other skin conditions. It may irritate the skin on application.

A drug used to treat psoriasis. It is usually very effective, being applied normally for short contact periods of up to one hour. Dithranol can cause severe skin irritation so must be used with care and at appropriate concentrations. Hands should be thoroughly washed after use.

Dithranol is a medication utilized to treat psoriasis, a skin condition. It is prescribed in the form of an ointment, paste, or cream, and its mechanism of action involves slowing down the multiplication of skin cells. To enhance its effectiveness, Dithranol can be combined with ultraviolet light treatment. However, it is essential to note that Dithranol may lead to skin inflammation as a possible side effect.

The primary component found in chrysarobin, utilized in the form of ointment to address psoriasis.




