Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM)

The American psychiatric association’s official classification of mental disorders. The DSM is an evolving text that is periodically revised to reflect the most recent knowledge regarding mental disorders.

  1. DSM-I The first edition, published in 1952.
  2. DSM-II The second edition, published in 1968.
  3. DSM-III The third edition, published in 1980.
  4. DSM-III-R The revised DSM-III, published in 1987.
  5. DSM-IV The fourth edition, published in 1994.
  6. DSM-IV-TR The evidence-based revision of the DSM-IV text, published in 2000.
  7. DSM-5 The fifth edition, scheduled for publication in 2013.

Also known as the DSM-IV, this reference work is published by the American Psychiatric Association and gives information on mental health disorders. It supplies lists of causes of disorders, useful statistics, and prognoses. The DSM-IV is used by professionals to make psychiatric diagnoses in the United States and in other countries.




