Dental restoration

A filling or appliance that replaces part or all of the structure of a tooth. A dental restoration is also the process of reconstructing a damaged or missing tooth. Restoration materials include amalgam and composite fillings, inlays, onlays, crowns, dental veneers, bridges, and partial or complete dentures. Restorations serve the general purpose of making existing teeth stronger and adding support to the teeth in areas adjacent to missing teeth. They are used for preventing further damage to the teeth and surrounding structures, improving or normalizing the appearance of the teeth, reinstating the proper function of the teeth, and eliminating sensitivity of the teeth.

The process of repairing a portion of a compromised tooth is known as restoration. Additionally, restoration pertains to the material or replacement component employed to reconstruct the tooth.

Minor fixes are typically accomplished through tooth filling. In situations requiring more substantial restoration, an inlay or a crown might be utilized. In cases of chipped front teeth, bonding can be employed, involving the use of an acidic solution to etch the tooth’s surface and attaching plastic or porcelain material to the treated area.




