
Falling seasonally, losing all its leaves for part of the year, not evergreen.

Falling after completion of the normal function. A deciduous tree is one that normally loses its leaves at the approach of winter or the dormant season.

Plant that sheds its leaves each year.

Not persistent or evergreen, as with trees and shrubs whose leaves fall off in autumn.

A botanical term referring to trees or plants that lose their leaves in the winter.

A plant that drops its leaves in the fall or, in some cases, during drought.

Trees showing leaf fall in winter season.

Falling later than caducous, i. e., before the formation of fruit.

Falling off, not persistent, leaves, stipules, flower parts. Many trees in the seasonally dry forest drop their leaves during the dry season.

Usually refers to trees or shrubs that lose their leaves towards the end of the growing cycle.

Describes a plant that sheds its leaves or other parts at a certain time or season.

With parts falling off seasonally, in the case of leaves, not evergreen.

A woody plant that drops its leaves in autumn (in Europe, at least), and which produces new leaves from buds the next spring.

Losing all the leaves each year, growing a fresh set later. Typically the leaves are shed in the fall, sometimes assuming brilliant colors before they do so, and new leaves grow in spring. Many tropical trees drop at any time of the year in anticipation of a prolonged dry season. A tree that doesn’t drop all its leaves is called semi-deciduous.

In botany, the falling parts at the end of a growing period, such as falling leaves in autumn.

Referring to teeth discarded at a later stage of development.

Losing all the leaves each year, growing a fresh set later. Typically the leaves drop in fall (autumn), sometimes assuming brilliant colors before they do so, and new leaves grow in spring. Many tropical trees drop their leaves at any time of the year in anticipation of a prolonged dry season. A tree that does not drop all its leaves is called semi-deciduous, (of perennials) Dying back to the ground in winter such plants are alternatively called herbaceous perennials, though this is not the correct botanical meaning of ‘herbaceous’.

Applied to a tree or shrub that sheds it leaves in the autumn.

Applied to a tree or shrub that produces a new set of leaves for each growing season, dropping them in the autumn and re-growing them in the spring.

Describes a tree or shrub that loses its leaves annually, regrowing them the following season.

An item that is temporary and shed when reaching maturity. For example, a child’s initial set of teeth are known as deciduous or milk teeth.




