Day surgery

A surgical operation which does not require the patient to stay overnight in hospital.

Surgery done in a clinic or a hospital without an overnight stay either before or after the operation. Improvements in surgery especially the introduction of minimally invasive surgery as well as more effective methods of anaesthesia have simplified many procedures and reduced the physical and mental stress on patients. Patients undergoing day surgery should be accompanied home by a friend or relative. Occasionally a patient may develop complications that prevent them going home at the end of the day.

The implementation of surgical interventions conducted within a medical facility or clinic, wherein patients are not required to stay overnight. The proportion of all surgical procedures performed on a day-surgery basis has experienced a substantial increase in recent times. With the aid of modern anesthetics and surgical techniques, notably minimally invasive surgery, the recovery process has become faster compared to earlier times, enabling patients to often return to their homes within a few hours following the surgery.




