
A muscle-relaxing drug, used in chronic severe spasticity (stiffness) of voluntary muscle such as may occur after a stroke or in cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis (MS). Unlike most other relaxants, it acts directly on the muscle, thus producing fewer central-nervous-system side-effects. It is contraindicated if liver function is impaired, and is not recommended for children or for acute muscle spasm. It may cause drowsiness, resulting in impaired performance at skilled tasks and driving.

A muscle relaxant medication is utilized to alleviate muscle spasms arising from conditions such as spinal injury, stroke, or neurological disorders like cerebral palsy. While this drug does not provide a cure for the underlying disorder, it can significantly improve mobility and provide relief from muscle spasticity. By targeting the muscles affected by the condition, the medication helps to reduce muscle stiffness and enhance the individual’s ability to move more comfortably. It is important to note that the use of muscle relaxants should be guided by healthcare professionals, who can prescribe the appropriate dosage and duration of treatment to optimize therapeutic benefits while minimizing potential side effects.




