Preserving of any body tissue or fluid at low temperature so that it may be used again in the future. Commonly used to preserve sperm for artificial insemination procedures.
The use of extremely low temperatures to preserve sperm or embryos for use at a later time. Frozen sperm can be thawed and used for artificial Insemination or asisted assisted reproductive. Frozen embryos can be thawed for embryo transfer after a failed fresh embryo transfer or for a subsequent pregnancy after a successful pregnancy. Techniques for successfully freezing human eggs have not yet been developed.
Maintenance at very low temperatures of the viability of tissues or organs that have been excised from the body.
The preservation at very low temperatures of biological materials such as blood or plasma, embryos or sperm, or other tissues. After thawing, the preserved material can be used for its original biological purpose.
Cryopreservation refers to the process of safeguarding living cells or tissue specimens through freezing. This method is employed for the preservation of human ova for in vitro fertilization, seminal fluid for artificial insemination, as well as plasma and blood collected from individuals with uncommon blood types.