A method of treating especially psychiatric disorders in which a specialist talks with a person about his or her condition and how to deal with it.
Psychological support and advice provided by a trained therapist or health professional. The aim is to help an individual manage a particular personal or family problem: this may be a diagnosis of cancer, mental and physical trauma following an accident or assault, or a bereavement. Counselling can help people cope with a wide range of demanding circumstances. It is usually done on a one-to-one basis — sometimes in small groups — and needs to be provided with skill and sensitivity or there is a risk of worsening the individual’s difficulties. There has been rapid growth in counselling services and it is vital that those providing them have been properly trained.
The guidance and emotional assistance rendered by healthcare experts play a pivotal role in aiding individuals to navigate through personal challenges effectively. Counselling serves as a valuable tool for addressing various issues that may arise in academic, professional, or familial settings. It encompasses the provision of guidance on medical concerns, as well as matters pertaining to sexuality, relationships, and marital difficulties. Furthermore, counselling extends its support to individuals struggling with addiction and offers solace during critical junctures in life. It encompasses diverse forms, including genetic counselling, trauma counselling, and sex therapy, each serving distinct purposes in fostering overall well-being and personal growth.
While counselling primarily takes the form of a one-on-one engagement, it is worth noting that it can also be conducted within intimate group settings. While the conventional approach involves individual sessions, there are instances where counselling unfolds in small collectives. This group dynamic can provide a supportive and interactive environment, fostering shared experiences and perspectives among participants. Such group counselling endeavors contribute to the development of interpersonal skills, empathy, and the cultivation of a sense of community, all of which augment the effectiveness of the therapeutic process.