The second whorl of floral organs, inside or above the calyx and outside the stamens, consisting of free petals or of a joined tube and petal lobes.
Consists of petals or a corolla tube and corolla lobes.
The ring of petals in a flower, usually the most conspicuous part of the flower.
The part of a flower that comprises the circle of petals, found within the calyx and outside the stamens.
The petals of a flower, that is, the inner series (or many series) of the perianth. Each petal has usually a single vascular trace.
Usually the inner flower leaves, generally showy in form or color.
Parted of the angiosperm flower formed by petals, which are often brightly colored.
The whole collection of petals that forms the eye-catching part of most flowers. The petals can be separate, as in the rose, or fused together in a bell or trumpet, as in rhododendrons or campanulas.
The set of flower parts interior to the calyx and surrounding the stamens, composed of the petals, which may be free or united; often brightly colored.
The whole collection of petals that forms the eye-catching part of most flowers. The petals can be separate, as in roses, or fused together in a bell or trumpet form, as in rhododendrons or campanulas, when the free tips of the petals are termed the corolla lobes.
The circle of the parts of a flower immediately within the calyx, usually a whorl of coloured petals, which may be separate or joined into a tube, the corolla tube.