
A group of associated ideas having a common, strong emotional tone. These ideas are largely unconscious and significantly influence attitudes and associations.

In psychology, the combination of emotionally toned attitudes, desires, or memories that are partially or totally repressed.

(In psychiatry) a group of ideas which are based on the experience a person has had in the past and which influence the way he or she behaves.

A group of items, buildings or organs.

A group of signs and symptoms due to a particular cause.

An idea or group of ideas that is repressed into the subconscious yet continues to generate a powerful emotional charge. An example is the Oedipus complex, which is the name given by Sigmund Freud for the sexual love a son has for his mother. The female counterpart of a daughter’s love for her father’s is the electra complex.

An emotionally charged and repressed group of ideas and beliefs that is capable of influencing an individual’s behavior. The term in this sense was originally used by Jung, but it is now widely used in a looser sense to denote an unconscious motive.

The term applied to a combination of various actions or symptoms. It is particularly applied to a set of symptoms occurring together in mental disease with such regularity as to receive a special name.

All the ideas, feelings, and sensations connected with a subject.

A comprehensive nomenclature for all the variations of a viral species, or for viruses demonstrated to have a genetic connection.

In the realm of medicine, the term “complex” is employed to denote a cluster or combination of interrelated signs and symptoms that give rise to a syndrome, such as in the case of Eisenmenger complex. Additionally, it can refer to a collection of substances sharing similar structure or function, as seen in vitamin B complex. In psychology, the concept of a complex, such as the Oedipus complex, signifies a grouping of unconscious ideas and memories that hold significant emotional importance.

A collection of symptoms and indicators that together define a disease syndrome; or a set of ideas or fears moved from the conscious to the subconscious mind, affecting an individual’s behavior and personality.




