
A condition in which part of the eye, especially part of the iris, is missing.

A defect in the development of the eye causing abnormalities ranging in severity from a notch in the lower part of the iris, making it pear-shaped, to defects in the lower part of the retina and choroid (the inner layers of the eyeball). Vision is usually poor in the severer cases. A coloboma of the eyelid is a congenital notch in the lid margin.

Coloboma simply means a defect, but its use is usually restricted to congenital defects of the eye. These may involve the lens, the iris, the retina or the eyelid.

A lesion or defect of the eye, usually a fissure or cleft of the iris, ciliary body, or choroid. Sometimes the eyelid is involved. Colobomata may be congenital, pathological, or surgical.

A congenital anomaly characterized by a deficiency in eye tissue is referred to as coloboma. This deficiency can occur in various parts of the eye, including the eyelid, iris, retina, or choroid. When a coloboma affects the iris, it manifests as a visible black notch or a gap extending from the pupil to the edge of the iris.

Coloboma is a condition that arises from incomplete eye development during embryonic stages, and it may be associated with specific chromosomal abnormalities. The severity of coloboma can vary, ranging from minor to severe presentations. In certain instances, it can result in blurred vision or reduced visual acuity.

A birth defect affecting any part of the eye, often in the form of a gap or fissure.




