A sharp pain in the coccyx, usually caused by a blow.
A continuous aching pain in the area of the coccyx, the structure formed by the small, fused bones at the base of the spine. Coccydynia may also be called coccygodynia. The condition is associated with a musculoskeletal abnormality in the area of the spine. Coccydynia may be caused by injury to the coccyx, possibly related to a heavy backward fall. It may occur after childbirth.
Pain in the lowermost segment of the spine (coccyx) and the neighboring area.
Coccydynia refers to the discomfort experienced in the area of the coccyx, commonly known as the tailbone. This condition can arise from various causes such as a fall resulting in an impact to the base of the spine, prolonged pressure due to poor sitting posture, or the lithotomy position (lying on the back with hips and knees bent) adopted during childbirth. Fortunately, the pain tends to diminish with time. Treatment options may involve the application of heat, local anesthetic injections, and manipulation techniques.