
A plant that grows upwards by attaching itself to other structures which it uses as supports; by contrast, a scrambler does not attach itself to its supports.

A plant with stems too long and flexible to be self supporting and which raises itself to the light by climbing into and over other plants. It may attach itself to its support by twining around it, as jasmine or honeysuckle do; by means of tendrils (grapes, peas); by short aerial roots (ivy); or by suckers (Virginia creeper). The latter two need no trellis and are termed self-clinging climbers. Some climbers attach themselves only loosely to their supports and need to be tied in place. The term “vine,” while applicable only to the grape, is often used for any climbing plant, especially in the USA.

A plant with stems too long and flexible to be self-supporting and which raises itself to the light by climbing into and over other plants. It may attach itself to its support by twining around it, as jasmine or honeysuckle do; by means of tendrils (grapes, peas); by short aerial roots (ivy); or by suckers (Virginia creeper); or by a grappling onto tree branches with thorns (bougainvillea), prickles (roses) or reflexed branchlets.




