A condition in which the vermiform appendix is always slightly inflamed.
Appendicitis that may follow an acute but untreated attack, leaving fibrosis and narrowing of the lumen of the appendix. Some authorities question the existence of this entity, as those pathological changes can result from other inflammatory conditions or simply from a gradual narrowing of the lumen.
The situation depicted here differs somewhat from the previous scenario. In this case, the patient frequently experiences mild episodes of abdominal pain along with gassy indigestion. This typically occurs either because something from the bowel, such as a small, hard piece of stool, has entered and become trapped in the appendix, causing an obstruction, or due to a narrowing in the structure of the appendix, leading to the accumulation of stagnant fecal matter in an area with inadequate drainage. The most effective course of action in such cases is surgical removal of the appendix.