
Swelling of the conjunctiva.

Edema of the mucous membrane of die eyeball and eyelid lining, resulting from injury, infection, or certain systemic diseases (e.g, anemia, kidney disease).

Swelling of the bulbar conjunctiva of the eye that produces swelling around the cornea.

Swelling (edema) of the conjunctiva. It is usually due to inflammation but may occur if the drainage of blood and lymph from around the eye is obstructed.

Swelling of the conjunctiva of the eye, usually caused by inflammation from injury or infection.

Edema of the conjunctiva around the cornea.

The enlargement of the conjunctiva, the thin layer that covers the eye and lines the eyelid, is referred to as chemosis. This condition is frequently linked to allergic and infectious conjunctivitis. Treatment options may involve the application of medicated eye drops containing antihistamines or antibiotics to alleviate the symptoms.




