Cerebrovascular disease

Is a group of brain dysfunctions related to disease of the blood vessels supplying the brain.

Illnesses that disrupt blood supply to the brain, stroke; cerebrovascular accident.

Similar to cardiovascular disease in that the vascular tree of the brain has developed atherosclerotic lesions, which restrict or occlude the blood supply to this organ.

Any disease affecting an artery within and supplying blood to the brain. Risk factors for cerebrovascular disease include hypertension (high blood pressure), cigarette smoking, heart disease, warning signs or history of stroke, and diabetes.

Any disorder of the blood vessels of the brain and its covering membranes (meninges). Most cases are due to atheroma and/or hypertension, clinical effects being caused by rupture of diseased blood vessels (cerebral or subarachnoid hemorrhage) or inadequacy of the blood supply to the brain (ischemia), due to cerebral thrombosis or embolism. The term cerebrovascular accident is sometimes given to the clinical syndrome accompanying a sudden and severe attack, which leads to a stroke.

Disorders that impact the blood vessels responsible for nourishing the brain and have the potential to culminate in a stroke.

Any medical condition that impacts an artery responsible for supplying blood to internal areas of the brain is referred to as a cerebrovascular disease. These diseases encompass conditions such as atherosclerosis, which involves the narrowing of arteries, as well as defects in arterial walls that can lead to the formation of aneurysms, characterized by balloon-like swellings within an artery.

Over time, the progression of this disease can lead to a cerebrovascular accident, commonly known as a stroke. Furthermore, the significant narrowing of blood vessels throughout the brain can contribute to the development of dementia, a condition characterized by cognitive decline.




