Category: Z
Passing outward from within any zone or area.
A sensation, as a cord constricting the body. A feeling similar to the sensation caused by a constricting belt wrapped around the waist. This condition is also known as girdle pain.
Zona incerta
A nucleus in the brain located between the thalamus and subthalamus. It contains many cholinergic neurons, and it links to numerous other structures of the cortex and sub-cortex of the brain.
Zona reticularis
The inner layer of the adrenal cortex. It secretes very small amounts of androgens and estrogens.
Zona ophthalmica
Old name for herpes zoster of the area supplied by the ophthalmic nerve.
Zona glomerulosa
The outer layer of the adrenal cortex. It secretes mineralocorticoids, mainly aldosterone.
Zona fasciculata
The middle layer of the adrenal cortex. It secretes glucocorticoids, mainly cortisol.
Dermatitis due to foreign bodies such as bristles, hairs, or stingers from animals.
Zipper pull
A device allowing persons with limited function to fasten zippers on clothing, especially those in back.
Zinc protoporphyrin
A biochemical marker of iron deficiency. It is only moderately effective in diagnosing the disease.