Category: X
A tumor having characteristics of both an infectious granuloma and a xanthoma.
A cell containing yellow pigment.
A form of color blindness in which yellow and blue are distinguishable, but not red and green.
Xanthine base
A group of chemical compounds including xanthine, hypoxanthine, uric acid, and theobromine, which have a purine as their base.
A yellow substance produced by the action of nitric acid on hematin.
Xenon-enhanced computed tomography
Computed tomographic (CT) scanning that uses the inert gas xenon to improve the visual distinction between healthy and abnormal tissues, especially to visualize blood flow to different regions of the brain in stroke.
Xylene poisoning
Injury to body tissues caused by a benzene-like compound.
X-ray mount
A stiff cardboard folder with windows in which radiographs of teeth in the dental arches are placed in sequence for examination and diagnosis.
X-ray microscope
A microscope using x-rays to reveal the structure of objects through which light cannot pass. The image is usually reproduced on film.
Xiphocostal ligament
The ligament connecting the xiphoid process to the cartilage of the eighth rib.