Category: W
The process in vegetable oil refining by which the higher melting point glyceride (sterines) are removed from oils by chilling. Using a solvent such as ethanol to remove fats, lipids, and other compounds during the process of extracting cannabinoids and terpenes from cannabis.
To beat rapidly to incorporate air and produce expansion. The term you are referring to is “whisking.” This involves vigorously beating a liquid, such as eggs or cream, with a fork, beater, or electric mixer to introduce air into the mixture. This lightens the texture of the mixture and increases its volume.
The liquid and its dissolved lactose, minerals, and other minor constituents remaining after milk has been coagulated to separate the curd. Curd is made up of casein, most of the fat, and some lactose, water and the minerals from milk. Dairy by-product of cheese that is rich in lactose, minerals, and vitamins. The strained liquid…
Wetting agents
A surface active agent used to break or lower the surface tension of water. This passage pertains to a substance that has the ability to reduce the angle at which a liquid makes contact with a surface. Additionally, it describes a specific type of additive that is utilized in a spray and serves to diminish…
Waxy maize
A variety of corn, the starch content of which consists solely of branched molecules.
A unit used to measure light waves – Angstrom. In the line of progression of a wave, the distance from one point on the wave to the same point on the next wave. The length of a wave determines whether or not the wave is a visible light, x-ray, gamma, or radio wave. The distance…
A measure of power or rate of energy. The SI unit of power, equal to 1 joule per second. In electrical terms it is the energy expended per second when a current of 1 ampere flows between two points on a conductor between which there is a potential difference of 1 volt. I watt =…
Water pack
Fruit packed in water without the addition of any sugar or syrup.
Water hardness
The amount of minerals in the water, e.g., Soft water has 0-60 ppm, Moderately Hard water has 60-120 ppm, Hard water has 120-180 ppm, and Very Hard water has over 180 ppm of Calcium, Magnesium or other minerals.
A cake made from pancake batter and cooked in a mold. A waffle is a type of cake made by baking a light batter in a special mold or iron with a hinged top and bottom, characterized by a checkerboard pattern of indentations. Traditionally, waffle irons were heated on top of a stove and turned…