Category: W
Winged stem
A stem with one or more broad flanges along its length.
Whorled leaves
Three or more leaves arising from a stem at the same level or point on it.
Of a leaf-base, gradually tapering into the leafstalk.
Waste ground
Unused or uncultivated, often disturbed ground (as alongside a new road, around an industrial area, on a heap of mine waste or in a quarry, including w hat are known as brownfield sites).
White-coat hypertension
Hypertension that occurs in the doctors office but does not occur at home or elsewhere. Anxiety and fear in the doctor’s office are probably responsible for this type of temporary hypertension. A colloquial term used to describe an episode of elevated blood pressure when the reading is taken by a health care professional. It is…
Becoming limp due to too little water in the cells.
White rot
Wood rot produced by basidiomycetes, that degrades both the cellulose and the lignin, leaving a white, stringy, soft residue. The decomposition process of timber within the trunks of trees that have been infiltrated by fungi that are capable of disintegrating lignin, ultimately results in the formation of white residual cellulose matter.
(Of gills) Looking as if coated with wax, like waxed paper.
Woad was the main source of blue dye in Europe, until the introduction of indigo in the 17th century.
Wild Strawberry (Fragaria vesca)
Infusion of leaves and rootstock is effective for diarrhea, dysentery and problems of the urinary tract. Especially useful for convalescents and children. Cultivated varieties are much less potent medicinally.