Category: W
Weighted pupil method
A method of state funding of education based on the needs of the types of students in a district.
Weighted average
In epidemiology, the providing of different weights to each component of the average, unweighted average.
Wechsler preschool primary scale of intelligence
A standardized test of intelligence of children from 4 to 6.5 years.
Wechsler intelligence scale for children revised
A standardized test of intelligence appropriate for children from 6 to 17 years.
Wachsler adult intelligence scale-revised
A revised version of the original Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale, which is a standardized test for measuring adult intelligence.
Web of causation
An illustration or map of those hypothesized relationships that are believed to exist between a health problem and the environmental, host, or agent factors that have caused the health problem to appear.
Weber’s law
The observation that the size of the difference threshold is proportional to the intensity of the standard stimulus. The increase in stimulus necessary to produce the smallest perceptible increase in sensation bears a constant ratio to the strength of the stimulus already acting.
Weapons effect
A state in which the mere presence of weapons increases the likelihood of violent or aggressive behavior.
Water pollution
Pollution of lakes, oceans, rivers, and streams from open dumps, improperly disposed of industrial wastes, contaminated rain, temperature, sewage disposal plants, and surface water drainage. Contamination of streams, lakes, underground water, bays, and oceans by substances harmful to living things. Water pollution is particularly dangerous for living things, all of which require water to survive,…
Water intoxication
A potentially fatal condition caused by an intake of fluid that exceeds the maximum rate of urinary flow. Excess water intake. Also known as overhydration, an abnormal increase in the volume of water in the body. Infants younger than 1 month are especially susceptible to overhydration. In adults, water intoxication is most common in people…