Category: W
Wernicke’s syndrome
Characterized by eye muscles paralysis, clouding of consciousness, poor coordination, and a sense of indifference. It is associated with abnormal metabolic action in cells, chronic alcohol use, and a severe deficiency of thiamin was first described by Carl Wernicke in 1881.
Wernicke’s area
The superior temporal convolution. Wernicke’s area is a region within the cerebral cortex of the brain responsible for processing and comprehending spoken and written language. If Wernicke’s area sustains damage, it can lead to a condition called aphasia, characterized by a complete loss of previously acquired language skills.
A lump on the body. A cyst resulting from the retention of secretion in a sebaceous gland. One or more rounded or oval elevations, varying in size from a few millimeters to about 10 cm, appear slowly on the scalp, face, or hack. They are painless, rather soft, and contain a yellow-white caseous mass. The…
Wellness centers
Units within hospitals or clinics that provide a wide range of rehabilitation, disease prevention, and health enhancement programs.
Wellness behavior
Daily activities that tend toward the prevention of ill health and the promotion of optimal health; health-related behavior; health-directed behavior.
An abstract concept that relates to the development of health-related behaviors involving exercise, nutrition, meditation, stress control, etc. Good health, as well as its appreciation and enjoyment. Wellness is more than a lack of disease symptoms; it is a state of mental and physical balance and fitness. Wellness is an integrated and dynamic level of…
Well-being center
A basic unit of the health care delivery system organized to provide people with learning opportunities with respect to their health.
Weil’s disease
Leptospirosis spread by the urine of rats. Serious form of leptospirosis, characterized by jaundice and liver and kidney damage. An infection or parasitic disease produced by the bacteria Leptospira. Weil disease is a severe form of leptospirosis that is characterized by severe dysfunction of the liver and kidneys. The infection causes excessive bleeding inside the…
The absence of downward pressure that is normally caused by the pull of gravity. In space, the gravitational pull of the earth is counterbalanced by the centrifugal force imparted to the spaceship by its initial rocket blast. The condition of not being acted on by the force of gravity. It is present when astronauts travel…
Weighted vest
A specially designed garment that contains compartments to hold varying amounts of weight.