Category: W
Work injury report survey program
Attempts to find causal data concerning specific problem areas that are identified by SDS.
Working memory
Short-term memory. The ability to store and use those facts and ideas that are needed to carry out immediate tasks.
Work hypertrophy
The concept that our body becomes increasingly capable of sustained exercise as a result of training.
A misnomer. An erroneously coined term to take the place of the acceptable term, ergomania. Based on a misrepresentation and misconception about alcohol. A colloquial term for a person addicted to occupational or productive pursuits who has difficulty relaxing or enjoying familial, social, or leisure activities.
Word hash
Jumbles or incoherent use of words by a psychotic or disoriented person.
Word association test
A test sometimes used for personality diagnosis in which a person gives the first word that comes to mind in response to a series of stimulus words.
Wooly mammoth
In psychoanalytic theory, a metaphor to describe conflicts housed in the unconscious making them inaccessible to examination.
The uterus.
Woman year
A means of measuring the effectiveness of contraceptives in which women use one means of contraception exclusively for a period of 1 year. The number of pregnancies that occur during that year determine the rate per.
Wolffian ducts
The primitive genital ducts that, under hormonal influence, evolve into male genitalia. The duct in the embryo leading from the mesonephros to the cloaca. From it develop the ductus epididymis, ductus deferens, seminal vesicle, ejaculatory duct, ureter, and pelvis of the kidney.