Category: W
Walking frame
A metal frame used by people who have difficulty in walking.
Walking distance
The distance which someone can walk before they experience pain in their muscles, which shows the effectiveness of the blood supply to their legs.
To go on foot.
Waldeyer’s ring
A ring of lymphoid tissue made by the tonsils and adenoid [Described 1884. After Heinrich Wilhelm Gottfried Waldeyer-Hartz (1836-1921), German anatomist.] The ring of lymphoid tissue formed by the tonsils.
Wake up
To stop sleeping, or stop someone sleeping.
The condition of being wide awake.
Wide awake, not wanting to sleep.
To interrupt someone’s sleep. To stop sleeping. A ceremony to view or watch over the deceased person before the funeral.
Waiting time
The period between the time when someone’s name has been put on the waiting list and his or her admission into hospital.
Waiting room
A room at a doctor’s or dentist’s surgery where people wait.