Category: V
Vertebral canal
Canalis vertebralis, the cavity formed by the foramina of the vertebral column. It contains the spinal cord and its meninges.
Vaginal canal
The cavity of the vagina. The vaginal walls can expand but are normally in contact with each other, thus, the cavity is a potential space.
Venereal budo
A bubo resulting from a venereal disease.
Vegetal bronchitis
Bronchitis resulting from lodging of foods of vegetable origin in the bronchus.
Varicose bronchiectasis
Dilated bronchi that resemble varicose veins; irregular dilatation and constriction as seen in cystic fibrosis.
Ventricular block
Interference in the flow of cerebrospinal fluid between the ventricles or from the ventricles through the foramina to the subarachnoid space.
Venous bleeding
A continuous flow of dark red blood.
Ventricular bigeminy
Cardiac arrhythmia in which every other beat is a ventricular ectopic or premature ventricular contraction.
Velpeau bandage
A special immobilizing roller bandage that incorporates the shoulder, arm, and forearm.
Visual autokinesis
The illusion that an object in space, especially at night, moves as one continues to look at it. Thus, an aviator looking at a distant light may perceive that the light has moved even though it is stationary.