Category: V
Ventral pancreas
An outgrowth at the angle of the hepatic diverticulum and the embryonic gut that migrates and fuses with the dorsal pancreas. It forms the head of the definitive organ.
Varicose ophthalmia
Inflammation that accompanies varicosities of the conjunctival veins.
Voluntary nystagmus
A rare type of pendular nystagmus in persons who have learned to oscillate their eyes rapidly, usually by extreme convergence.
Vestibular nystagmus
Nystagmus caused by disease of the vestibular apparatus of the ear, or due to normal stimuli produced when the semicircular canals are tested by rotating the body.
Visiting nurse
Community health nurse with primary responsibility for individual patients in their homes.
Vitelline nucleus
Nucleus formed by union of male and female pronuclei within the vitellus; a part of the cytoplasm of an ovum in which the initial process of accumulation of food supplies is probably located.
Vestibular nucleus
Any of four nuclei in the medulla oblongata in which fibers of the vestibular nerve terminate. These four nuclei are the medial (Schwalbe’s), superior (angular), lateral (Deiters’), and inferior nuclei.
Vesicular nucleus
A nucleus having a deeply staining membrane and a pale center.
Ventral cochlear nucleus
The nucleus in the medulla oblongata lying anterior and lateral to the restiform body and receiving fibers from the cochlear nerve.
Vertebral notch
A concavity on the inferior surface of the vertebral arch for transmission of a spinal nerve.