Category: V
Comprehensive immunization achieved through administering injections until the virus elicits no response. This method has seen some effectiveness in preventing the recurrence of herpes labialis.
A skin rash that sometimes occurs after vaccinia, closely resembling the characteristic rash of smallpox.
Pseudovaccinia, a subsequent skin eruption that occasionally occurs after an episode of cowpox.
Vaccinal fever
A febrile response occurring after vaccination.
Vasovagal syncope
A fainting episode experienced by individuals with sensitive vasomotor systems. Emotional stress or pressure on the vagus nerve leads to reduced blood pressure and a slower heartbeat, resulting in decreased blood flow to the brain.
Veterinary surgery
Surgical procedures conducted on animals.
Vincent’s stomatitis
A gangrenous and membranous type of mouth inflammation linked to the presence of Vincent’s spirillum. Also referred to as trench mouth.
Vomiting reflex
Vomiting triggered by tickling the back of the throat.
Van den Bergh reaction
A blood test used to identify compromised liver function.
Virus pneumonia
Pneumonia resulting from a viral infection rather than a bacterial one.